Wilcox Development Solutions Blog

Getting/Setting JavaScript variables with WebKit

July 10, 2007

Further progress on the WebKit front. I’m working with Kevin Ollivier, the author of wxWebKit, to put C++ to JavaScript utilities into the framework itself. Right now this is focused mostly on calling JavaScript functions from C++, and translating C++ values into JSValues, but I suspect other things will come from this as well.

For example, this weekend (along with some C++ interface structuring) I was looking at my JavaScript function calling code and found something. Specifically, how to get and set JavaScript variables from C++. Not exactly what I was looking for, but very useful none-the-less.

void PutJSValue**(const std::string& memberName,** KJS::JSValue* val**)**
{ WebCore::KJSProxy* js = m_frame->scriptProxy**();** KJS::ScriptInterpreter* interp = js->interpreter**();** KJS::ExecState* exec = interp->globalExec**();** //TODO: error checking ASSERT(!exec->hadException()); KJS::JSLock lock**;** //look up the object KJS::JSValue* JSMemberName = KJS::jsString**(** memberName**.c_str()** **);** KJS::Identifier identifier**(** JSMemberName->toString**(exec)** )****; KJS::JSObject* rootObj = interp->globalObject**();** rootObj->put**(exec,** identifier**,** val**);** if ( exec->hadException**()** ) { KJS::JSValue* theEx = exec->exception**();** //TODO: figure out how to convert UString to a wxString //use JSValue.toString() gives us a UString throw RuntimeJSError**(“Error while setting value in JavaScript”)****;** } }

There are still some things to do, of course. First, the matter of capturing exception information from JavaScript. Secondly, I don’t know if this method supports setting object members: say window.document.baseURI. I can access window.something, but I don’t know about anything more complex. Right now I’m not going to worry about it.

Next up: converting C++ values into JavaScript values (and back). Someday I will get to calling C++ functions from JavaScript…

Written by Ryan Wilcox Chief Developer, Wilcox Development Solutions... and other things