Wilcox Development Solutions Blog

DuckDB and GToolkit

Jul 14, 2024

DuckDB Explorations: Approaching data persistence in exploratory situations In software, I believe exploration and experimentation means a…

Deprecation and Adoption Across Teams

Jun 11, 2024

Leading Technical Change across the Herd. Software has evolved from a team activity to teams activity: multiple teams, each with their own…

Remarkable Handwriting with Vertex AI

Apr 19, 2024

Some Background: The Remarkable tablet The Remarkable is an e-ink powered device that leans into writing as an experience. I often refer to…

Developing better than npm link

Oct 20, 2023

How to quickly iterate on your private Node libraries You’re fixing a bug and turns out the problem is in some private library of yours! You…

Foreman Foreman

Aug 29, 2023

Intro A mid-2010s style MERN stack separates out backend and frontend concerns into separate deployable units (which we’ll call “projects…

Review of the CircleCI VSC Extension

Jan 04, 2023

Introduction CircleCI recently announced an extension for Visual Studio Code, allowing you to view the status of your CircleCI pipelines. I…

GraphQL in Smalltalk

Oct 06, 2022

These days most of my analysis - or even short scripts! - start in GToolkit. GToolkit’s paradigm of executable notebooks - with human…
