Returning HTML content from AJAX requests - a pattern for Rails 3
May 12, 2011The problem: semantic formats for returned HTML for AJAX In a previous Rails 2 project, we decided that Rails apps return 3+ kinds of…
The problem: semantic formats for returned HTML for AJAX In a previous Rails 2 project, we decided that Rails apps return 3+ kinds of…
Sometimes I find myself with more work than I can handle, or internal work I want done but can’t do myself. Today, I decided to fix that…
Today I did a poll, using PollEverywhere to get a feeling of the Ruby on Rails communities favorite CI server PollEverywhere limits…
Installing Radiant with Passenger (Standalone), RVM and Launchd on OS X Introduction - why Passenger Standalone I like to deploy all my…
Intro: What is Passenger, and why I want to use it I seriously want to love Passenger Standalone, I really do. Certain client projects of…
Since starting Wilcox Development Solutions I’ve understood two things: Programmer time is expensive - indeed, prohibitive - to most people…
One of my projects has a problem: while we all try to be in the office for scrum, sometimes we can’t all be. Maybe one person is in the car…
Git flow is awesome, and accomplishes everything you might want easily. This is (part) of an email I sent out today about the patterns git…
Over this weekend I read some of W. Edward Deming’s Out Of Crisis. Deming was a man credited with the success Japanese industry had after…
My title here at Wilcox Development Solutions is Owner, Chief Engineer and Master Toolsmith. The last part is because I love making tools…